Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chart and Statistical Resources for Investors in the Australian Share Market

 The Reserve Bank of Australia publishes charts and statistical tables for Australia.

These would be of interest to investors in the Australian sharemarket, including through superannuation and managed funds.

To me the most interesting things are:
1. Commodity Prices for coal and iron ore (still very high)
2. Trade weighted index (still very high)
3. Housing Prices (very high but declining, generally slowly)
4. Household debt (high but some delveraging)
5. Household saving ratio (high, over 10% and stabilising at that level)
6. FX rates (generally near highs although not so much now against USD and JPY)
7. Export destinations (China is now quite important)
8. Unemployment (may have bottomed)
9. Retail sales (very low growth, reflecting household savings)
10. Interest rates (cash rate has had 2 cuts in consecutive months)
11. Stock market (volatile and way below the 2007 highs but better on USD basis because of AUD/USD rate changes, YTD is better than most developed countries in USD but US has been best of developed markets on MSCI indices.)
12. Federal government debt (very low on a net basis)
13. Bank dependency on foreign source wholesale funds (very high)

Chart pack is at:
These are very interesting and easy to browse.

Statistical material is at:

My favourites from the ABS are Employment and Building Approvals, but I find that I have to adapt the information and chart it to really see the information I am looking for..

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